Fit Girls 28 Day Jump Start Challenge

You can’t get much done in life if you only work on days when you feel good.

I know, I know. Almost EVERYONE makes this cliche resolution every new year, and yet, not everyone ends up following through with it. Maybe you did too, I know I did.

Yes, I’m talking about living healthier and exercise.

For the past couple of years, I’ve attended exercise classes on and off (like yoga, spinning, even aerobics lol), but consistency was always a problem. One way or another, life always somehow caught up with me… and I gave up.

But when I found my Fit Girls guide on my computer (that I had bought on impulse a few years ago but, again, never followed through) I decided, this year will be different. I liked this guide because it provides an exercise plan, a meal plan, and general tips and information on how to be healthy. There is also a strong network of #fitgirls that you can join in on social media – you can communicate, support, and receive support from other fellow fit girls!

I also really like the idea of a 28 day challenge. Obviously you can continue living healthily after the challenge (they also have “intermissions” in between the challenges for you to continue the lifestyle). For me, the counting down gives me something to look forward to in the future. And counting the days that you’ve been doing the challenge always gives me a sense of accomplishment.

It’s the first day of the challenge, and so far I’m on track (such a fail if I can’t even do the first day LOL). I will be back to post about how the challenge goes throughout the month. Also, feel free to follow my separate fit girls account to keep track of my progress!

Do you still remember what your 2018 new years resolution was? Are you on track?